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Recipe of Bobby Flay Easy Baklava

Easy Baklava

Easy baklava is a delicious and sweet dessert that is made with layers of phyllo pastry, nuts, and honey or syrup. It’s a classic dessert that has been enjoyed for centuries and is still popular today.

Baklava originated in the Middle East and the exact origin of baklava is unclear, but it is believed to have originated in the Assyrian Empire around 800 B.C. The first version of baklava was unleavened bread topped with nuts and drenched in honey. A more evolved version of baklava was made centuries later in the Ottoman Empire during the 15th century. There was a cookbook discovered from a palace in Constantinople that already had Baklava in it as a recipe and a favorite dessert. Those of high society and royalty even ate Baklava.

You can cook easy baklava using 12 ingredients and 14 steps. 

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